Students and faculty from Pellissippi cleaning up New Orleans on their spring break.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

We’re on YouTube!

It’s been over a year since we all drove down to New Orleans to gut houses and see first hand the devastation from Katrina and the levee failures. I think about the people we met struggling with daily life. I listen to WWOZ to cvatch the sounds of life in NOLA. I see my New Orleans tattoo when I get dressed in the morning. And this morning I got an email from Jerry Wilkerson that he’s made a video of our trip and uploaded it to YouTube. Check it out and leave Jerry a comment. And if you can here from YouTube, leave a comment about the trip!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey todd duren - it's funny how you rebuild houses in new orleans for people yet beat up defenseless transplantees in knoxville... you smell just like the rest of Bush Country, like hypocrisy...

8:17 AM


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