Students and faculty from Pellissippi cleaning up New Orleans on their spring break.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Email from a Survivor

I just sat down at my Mac at home to check my email and got a great message from a New Orleans woman whose story has been reported on a lot on NPR news. Here is Sharon's email:

yes iam the sharon white on npr radio im so very pleased to know that you volunteered to help out in new orleans recently, may God bless you in all of your effords. I have just had my home gutted i was not lucky enough to have my home gutted by the many volunteers that have bestoved upon the city i had to pay for the service, but what must be done must be done . My home is now gutted and i see a wonderment of possibilities that i can do to it. (such as the expandsioning of my kitchen and bathroom area to the walk in closets i have dreamed of since i brought my home.) So there may be a light at end of the tunnel for my home. I would like to appauld you for your effords in the restoration of new orleans. I continue to do my story to let the american public know that Katrina may be long gone but her after effects are still very much still on going. I would like you to tell as many of your friends and colleages the truth about the devistation that katrina brought upon the citizens of new orleans and tell them that what they see in papers or on tv can not compare to an in person visit . I know that it is people like yurself that will keep this nations most devistational tragedy alive because you cared and shared.
a survivior

I found a series of great radio interviews with Sharon White in NPR's archives. I was able to listen to the interviews and hear her talk about her situation over several months. This woman had worked her way out of the projects, bought her own home, and then lost everything including her mom. Still she managed to keep her sense of optimism and determination. I got her email address from a photo. Her house is on Bonita Drive in the neighborhood where we gutted our very last house on Karen Street.

Sharon White Stories
Sep-07-2005, Katrina Survivors Contemplate Whether to Go Home
Sep-08-2005, Listener Letters
Sep-29-2005, Revisiting New Orleans Evacuee Sharon White
Oct-05-2005, Katrina: Finding What's Left of Home in New Orleans
Oct-06-2005, Listeners Letters
Nov-22-2005, Sharon White: Not Home Yet
Jan-12-2006, Sharon White: Rebuilding Uncertain
Jan-19-2006, Listeners Letters
Mar-03-2006, Sharon White Regains Her Determination to Rebuild
Mar-03-2006, Reporter's Notebook: Sharon White's Resolve

Send Sharon an email to tell her we are rooting for her and everybody in New Orleans.


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